Heatley State School is an enrolment-managed school. Students from Prep to Year 6 who live in our catchment area will be automatically eligible for enrolment.
Please view our enrolment policy and to see if your children are automatically eligible to enrol in our school. Students with siblings currently enrolled in our school are automatically eligible even if they live outside the catchment area.
The following documents need to be completed prior to interview:
They can be downloaded from this page or the office can provide printed copies when you come for your appointment:
Please know that entry into Heatley State School may take 1-2 days after the actual interview unless negotiated before the enrolment interview.
We need this amount of time to contact the previous school to obtain all relevant information; to arrange some basic diagnostic testing of the student's level of reading, comprehension and numeracy; and then pass on all of the information to the new class teacher who then in turn has time to prepare for the arrival of the new student. This way you can be assured your child has a smooth entry to school and we are well prepared to receive them.