Hello. Thank you for looking into our website.
At this school we are passionate about helping every child achieve their potential and at Heatley SS there is a wonderful team of staff who are willing to work with you to help every one of our students achieve their best learning and well being.
To this end, our Explicit Improvement Agenda in 2024 is Engagement for Equity and Excellence.
Supporting our work every step of the way is the school's dedicated band of volunteer parents who make up our P&C. We hold P&C meetings on the second Tuesday of the month in school terms.
You are most welcome to join our P&C. Meetings start at 6.00pm, no meeting ever goes past 8:00pm! For more information, please have a look at the Heatley SS P&C page on this website.
If you would like more information about our school please call 47595333 or email principal@heatleyss.eq.edu.au. We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Tracey Kenway, Principal