Heatley SS Reconciliation Action Plan
Our Vision for Reconciliation
Reconciliation at Heatley State School is about enabling all of our school community understand the need to build and sustain a deep and abiding interpersonal relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians. We aim to have a school community that recognises and respects uniqueness and strives to support the growth of its members in their educational, emotional and social pursuits. Our school vision statement says:
We lead the way for successful lifelong learners with inspired staff and innovative approaches.
Our Reconciliation Journey
Our first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) was developed in 2009 and launched in 2010 and posted on the Reconciliation Australia website. We were one of the first state school in Queensland to do this.
Our committee at that time was made up of: Our school's Community Education Counsellor (CEC), the NQ Regional CEC and four Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and four non-Indigenous students. During this initial planning we discussed ideas and influences that our RAP could have on the school. The main school governance stakeholders were consulted in this process including the principal, our P&C Association and our Indigenous Parent Reference Group - Yubu Yunga. All of them endorsed and supported our proposed plan.
Since then, we have created a RAP committee made up of staff, parents and community members who meet at least once per term. In term 2 2020, in consultation with the RAP committee, our Indigenous student leaders and the personnel supporting the
Reconciliation Australia portal -
Narragunnawali, we refreshed our RAP to form the 2020-2021 Reconciliation Plan which is now published.
Heatley SS is among a handful of state schools in Queensland that has a current RAP recognised by Reconciliation Australia. We are proud of our achievements. Below is a screen shot of our RAP one-pager that is on display in every classroom.
2020 - 2021 Reconciliation Action Plan