School Chaplains are in the prevention and rescue business - helping students find a better way to deal with issues ranging from family breakdown and loneliness to drug abuse, depression and suicide. They provide a listening ear and a caring presence for kids in crisis and those who just need a friend. The role of the School Chaplain is to promote and enhance the well being of all members of the school community.
Scripture Union (Queensland) is the auspicing body that employs and supervises chaplains in public schools including Heatley State School. Representatives from local churches, schools and communities make up Local Chaplaincy Committees (LCCs) to administer and raise funds for their particular chaplains. Heatley SS and Heatley Secondary College work together to share an LCC. Heatley SS Principal Louise Wilkinson is the LCC chairperson. Please feel free to talk to Chappy Ado or Louise Wilkinson if you have any questions.
The Heatley State School P&C Association is also fully supportive of the Heatley SS Chaplaincy Program and has continued to endorse it since its introduction in 2008.
History of our School Chaplaincy Programme
Our first school chaplain was Joshua Lane who worked in the school from 2008-2013. 'Chappy Josh' was a former student who returned initially to volunteer with religious education lessons and then to become chaplain. Another chaplain, 'Chappy Jess' also joined us during 2012 before she went onto work with state schools in Townsville's northern beaches. Chappy Josh moved to Pimlico SHS at the beginning of 2014.
Chaplain Adam Ginn or 'Chappy Ado' as he is known by the students came to Heatley SS in 2014. We are very pleased to have Chappy Ado who works at both our school and Heatley Secondary College.

Chappy Ado is at our school every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Some of the programs he runs at Heatley SS are:
The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Australian Government Department of Education.
This project was funded by the Australian Government Department of Education under the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program.