Students participate in NAPLAN Online and students, teachers and parents are invited to use the public demonstration site to familiarise themselves with the type of questions and related functionalities available in the NAPLAN Online assessment.
Some of the key features include a range of question types, onscreen tools, timers and interactive navigation. Students are encouraged to try all the tests for their year level to practise the complete range of question formats available in the online assessment.
See Related links for a variety of sites that assist in developing students' keyboard and mouse skills - these skills are useful for all students, not just those preparing for NAPLAN.
In 2025, NAPLAN will take place for year 3 and year 5 students over a period of 2 weeks from 12-24 March. Year 3 students will complete their writing task on paper and the remaining three components - reading, conventions of language and numeracy using the dedicated NAPLAN browser. Year 5 students will complete all four components using the dedicated NAPLAN browser. There will be opportunities for catch-up sessions for those students who are absent.