8:40am - Bell rings to go to class
8:50am - Teaching & learning starts
11:00am-11:45am - First break
1:20pm-1:50pm - Second break
3:00pm - End of school day
Before school
All gates will be opened in the morning at 8:15am. Children arriving at school between 8:15am and 8:40am are to move directly to the Large Covered Play Area (CPA) with their school bag, where supervision is provided. Prep, Year 1 & 2 students may wait in the covered area outside L block.
Children are not permitted to PLAY outside classrooms, on the oval, on playground equipment or in G Shed before or after school.
Arriving late
Students arriving after the bell at 8:50am must collect a late slip from the office. If students arrive at the classroom after the 8:50am bell without a late slip, they will be directed to the office to collect a late slip - this ensures they are registered as being in attendance.
Each parent/carer of a child who is of compulsory school age has the legal obligation to ensure their child attends school on every school day. From time to time students may be absent. Parents/carers must provide a satisfactory reason for these absences before or on the day of absence. Please ring the school office by 9:00am or as soon as possible to explain an absence.
- All Queensland state schools have same day notification for unexplained absences. If we don't receive notification of your child's absence by 10am, you will receive a text message informing you that your child is absent from school.

Leaving early
Parents wishing to collect their child/children early - before the end of the day - are requested to report to the school office and staff will arrange for the student/s to meet them there. Children must always be signed out by their parents or have a signed note or phone call from their parents stating the early departure reason. For security and safety reasons, students will not be released directly to parents who come to the classroom in class time.
Any other arrangement must be made by prior negotiation between the Duty Officer and parent.
After school
Students are expected to go directly home at the end of the day. The only children who may still be in the school grounds after 3:15pm are those waiting to be collected by their parents or who are catching a bus or those students who attend after-school supervised activities. Children are not permitted to PLAY on the oval, on playground equipment or in G Shed after school.