Our library was opened in June 2010 - it is named after foundation staff member, Mrs Yvonne Down, who retired from her Administration Officer role in 2019 after 49 years of service at Heatley State School.
Students visit the library weekly as a class to borrow - class teachers will advise which day. P-2 students must have a library bag in order to borrow.
IIn 2024, P-3 students borrowed home readers on their class library day - home readers were sent home in a folder separate to the library bag. We will let parents know about the home reader processes for 2025.
How many books can students borrow at one time?
- P-2 - 1 library book (and 1-2 home readers)
- 3-4 - 2 library books
- 5-6 - 3 library books
All loans are due back after 1 week - students may reborrow an item by bringing it in and scanning it again. If books are overdue, students will not be able to borrow until overdues are resolved.
Overdue books?
Q. What if I'm positive I returned the book already?
A. Come and talk to Mrs Austin and we can double-check the shelves. Together we can work out what went wrong.
Q. What if my friend has it now?
A. It is still borrowed in your name. Bring the book and your friend to the library. We will return the book and your friend can borrow it.
Q. What if the book was stolen?
A. Very often a stolen book is sitting in the bottom of a tidy tray or under a bed. Have a good look for it and then talk to Mrs Austin.
Q. What if I don't remember taking the book out in the first place?
A. Come and talk to Mrs Austin about it. We may be able to jog your memory or show you a cover picture. If we've made a mistake, it's important to straighten things out. Come as soon as your name appears on the overdue list.
Q. What happens if the book is really lost, destroyed or damaged?
A. Our policy is that a notice to pay will be issued for badly damaged, destroyed or lost books to cover the cost of a replacement copy, covering etc. Depending on the book or circumstances, this fee may be waived. For example, when a student or parent makes early contact with the library to explain the problem, we may decide to write-off the book without penalty, especially if the book was near the end of its useful life!
To look at what is available in our library, please use the links to Oliver or Orbit. You can look at the resources we have and students and staff can reserve items that they would like to borrow (set up required for reservations - see Mrs Austin!).
We value our resources, and we expect students to take good care of books they borrow. If a book is damaged, please return it so that we can repair it. If books are lost or not able to be repaired, students will be unable to borrow until the problem is resolved.