Our P&C want to add some colour to term 4! There will be a Colour Explosion at Heatley on Friday 17 November from 2-3pm.
Fundraising booklets were sent home in early October.
It is simple to register your child: Follow the easy steps in the booklet.
Log onto www.australianfundraising.com.au and scroll down to login into ‘School Run 4 Fun login’ to register. Create a profile for each child and set a goal. You can then get family and friends from all over Australia to contribute by sharing the page on either Facebook, Twitter or email/text.
All donations are made online. There is no requirement to send any cash to school.
There are prizes for early registration (by 19 October) and great prizes available for each level of fundraising, as shown in the booklet.
The highest fundraiser in each class will go into the draw to win an additional prize and every child who raises more than $50 will go into the draw to win the chance to Slime Ms Brooks!!
ON the day: Friday 17 November 2-3pm
It is recommended children wear an old white/light coloured shirt. The dye MAY not wash out. Sprinklers will keep the children cool.